Common Arts Fridays - Grades 2 - 12
At Appomattox Christian Academy, students get their hands dirty. The integration of the Common Arts into our weekly instruction has become essential to our educational philosophy. Recognizing the immense value of practical skills and hands-on learning, we have embraced disciplines such as cooking, animal husbandry, woodworking, agriculture, and more. Students eagerly engage in these activities, as they not only develop essential life skills but also foster a deep appreciation for the interconnectedness of different fields of knowledge. Through immersive experiences, students at Appomattox Christian Academy develop a well-rounded skill set, enabling them to thrive in various professional and personal pursuits while fostering a deep connection to God's world all around them.
ACA offers home school families the opportunity to attend Common Arts sessions on Fridays throughout the school year. Students will participate in hands-on sessions in such topics as drafting, sewing, cooking, leather working, animal husbandry, natural remedies, and more. This also includes access to school field trips and events.
$600 per student / per year
Materials Fee: $20 per student / per year
Course Electives, Grades 7 - 12
Home school students are encouraged to participate in an established course/elective as provided by the Academy to support and/or enhance their personal education plan. Electives are based on available course studies as per the Academy’s curriculum requirements. Home School students are encouraged to apply for admission at the Academy and are required to submit a formal application to begin the enrollment process for a part-time student. Enrollment deadline is one month prior to the semester of admission. Limit 2 elective courses per semester, more than 2 must register as a full-time student. Scholarships/discounts are not available for elective or part-time students.
Base Tuition for an elective course (7th-12th grade): $700 per class per year
Due upon enrollment unless arranged otherwise:
Due Upon Enrollment
Registration Fee: $125.00 per student
Book Fees: $150 per student
The following items are not included in the Tuition or Book/Materials Fee and may require additional funding from the parents to ensure the student has appropriate materials for success in the classroom:
Lab/Curriculum Fees for Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Driver’s Ed or any other class so deemed to require a lab fee. Dual Enrollment Fees for additional College or AP Classes offered to Dialectic/Rhetoric Students.
Incidental costs such as field trips, special school events, special supplies, fun lunches, ice-cream and other such items.
Laptops, software and/or pads are strongly recommended for Dialectic/Rhetoric students and may be required for some classes. ACA strongly recommends, all Dialectic and Rhetoric students have access to a computer and the internet to maximize their potential for success in upper level classes.
Enrollment is limited to two (2) electives per semester. Students requiring more than two (2) electives must enroll as a full time student at the current published Full Time Student Tuition and Fees Rates. Discounts are not available for Part Time Students.
Includes access to school events and field trips.